From the beginning of time, women have been healers, shamans, priestesses. They came together to heal, nurture, and to love.
In the ancient world, women did not share their inner world with their companions. They gathered in social circles, where they were safe to share their dreams, visions, experiences, desires, as well as their emotions. These social circles of sharing were the woman’s opportunity to express their soul and be nurtured.
Only the feminine understands the feminine. However in today’s world the sisterhood and union of the feminine have been compromise by competition between women.
Women are finding themselves unfulfilled, alone, frustrated, and disconnected. They are feeling something sacred is missing in their life. Now we are being called to return to the ancient feminine ways of sharing and expressing from our soul. Now we are being called to return the ancient feminine ways of sharing and expressing from our soul. Being part of a women's circle is a cornerstone to stepping back into the divine feminine power. I invite you to join us for a sacred journey of sisters who gather from all across the globe. Journey to a place of surrender where through love, and sharing, we will experience divine wisdom.
Spaces are limited, send us a message reserving your space in any of the followingretreats.
Day 1 Wednesday
Arrive in Sedona, AZ – Check into your accommodations and relax.
4:00 pm - Group Gathering. Participants introductions. Logistics and Announcements. Circle Gathering Local Labyrinth - smudging and sacred walking ceremony. Four Directions Opening Prayer. Welcome Dinner.
Sweet Dreams!
Day 2 Thursday
FREE MORNING to explore Sedona many hiking trails... or a special body treatment such as reflexology, massage, healing on hands.
12:30 pm - Gathering in Circle at our Sedona Retreat Home
1:00 am – Goddess Spirit Guide Meditation
1:30 - Power Retrieval
Today you will learn a powerful tool for empowerment, Power Retrieval. Power Retrieval is an ancient technique for retrieving and healing your vital energy. It also teaches you how to prevent current energetic loss.
The theory of power retrieval is simple. Every interaction you have had with other people in your life has tied up personal energy. Each memory you have requires energy to keep it alive and maintain the emotions you have about the encounter. Over the course of a lifetime, you invest enormous amounts of energy in these things and they drain you, make you miserable, and create behavior in the present predicated on the energies of the past.
You will learn how to utilize breath, meditation, and cord cutting ritual that requires you to surrender completely and break all ties with what is not supporting your vitality and full self-expression.
4:30 pm - Light Dinner
6:00 - 8:00 Blessed Candle making
Day 3 Friday
FREE MORNING to explore Sedona many hiking trails... or a special body treatment such as reflexology, massage, healing on hands.
12:30 pm - Gathering in Circle at our Sedona Retreat Home
1:00 - 2:30 pm Unity Breath and Tiny Space of the Heart
During this session you will learn how to connect your heart with Mother Earth and Father Sky and breath in unity and how to enter the tiny space of the your heart - the center of the Universe from where all manifestations are possible.
3:00 - 4:30 pm Soul Sharing and Manifestation Soul Pouch
Having establish a deep connection and unity with above, below and within you will be invited to open your hearts with one another and bringing to the circle two special moments of our life (bring the a picture of you as a child and one of the most happy moment of your life). You will re-connect and recognize the gifts of wisdom gained from the experiences that helped you to become who you are today.
4:30 pm - Light Dinner 6:00 - 8:00 Shamanic Breathwork – This is a safe and effective process that leads us to this inner place of wisdom, solutions, guidance and answers that cannot be found anywhere else but within. By using your breath in a powerful and transformative way, you will be able to move beyond the ego long enough to reach your core self and engage in a highly intuitive connection to your inner teacher, or higher self, also known as your wisdom keeper. When we are truly awake, our actions begin to emanate from our soul’s purpose, giving us access to a more fulfilling way to be on this planet and a soulful path of living.
Sweet Dreams!
Day 4 Saturday
FREE MORNING to explore Sedona many hiking trails... or a special body treatment such as reflexology, massage, healing on hands.
12:30 pm - Gathering in Circle at our Sedona Retreat Home 1:00 - 2:00 pm - Integration
2:00 to 4:30 pm - Back in the tiny space of our heart - Evoking the Inner Goddess. Sacred Mask Creation.
Light Dinner
Drum Initiation – Dating back more than 8,000 years the drum is the oldest instrument known. It’s truly the one instrument that unites all tribes and all cultures. But the drum is more than just a musical instrument. In various cultures it was also used in healing ceremonies, to communicate with the spirit world, and to bond communities together. Playing the drum is something virtually everyone can do, and in the right context it can be a primal experience that’s both healing and empowering. The Universe is made up of vibrational energy. The constant rhythm of drumming can induce an altered state of consciousness that opens a doorway into our inner world.
It is often said that the first sound we hear in the womb is our mother's heartbeat. Actually, the first sound to vibrate our newly developed hearing apparatus is the pulse of our mother's blood through her veins and arteries. We vibrate to that primordial rhythm even before we have ears to hear. Before we were conceived, we existed in part as an egg in our mother's ovary. All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries while she is a four-month-old fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother. Each of us spent five months in our grandmother's womb and she in turn formed within the womb of her grandmother. We vibrate to the rhythms of our mother's blood before she herself is born. And this pulse is the thread of blood that runs all the way back through the grandmothers to the first mother. We all share the blood of the first mother - we are truly children of one blood. Excerpt from: “When the Women were drummers” ~ Layne Redmond
Sweet Dreams!
Day 5 Sunday
9:30 am – Farewell Breakfast!
11:30 am - Closing Circle Ceremony at Stupa.
Enjoy an afternoon in Sedona, there is so much more to visit and explore: Spend sometimes in our Crystal Shops or Galleries. Enjoy a SPA session or go out to another enchanted hiking.
It was an honor to have you here, we appreciate your loving participation in our Sedona Divine Feminine Retreat and we look forward to continue our connection via private group Facebook - Skype and more.